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4. 10. 2011


září               Course of life                                                       1
                     Biography                                                            2
říjen              My family                                                            2
                     Housing in GB and in the USA                           2
listopad        Furnishing a flat                                                    2
                     Celebrations of the year                                        1
                     Thangsgiving Day                                                 1
prosinec        Shopping                                                               2
                      Christmas in GB                                                   1
leden             Education                                                              3
                     School subjects                                                      2                   
únor              Daily routine, leisure activities                             2
                     Travelling                                                              1
březen           Travelling, means of transport                              2
                      Accommodation, in a hotel                                   2
duben            Cultural life                                                           2
                      Human body                                                          2
květen           Health, healthy lifestyle, hygiene                         2